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American Data Management

LifeCycle Records Management
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Contact Us

Please let us know if you have any questions about our services or amenities.

Picture of documents shredded.
Picture of boxes of records in storage.
Graphic explaining document scanning services.

Record Storage

  • Client Contracts & Data
  • Legal Files & Casework
  • Arrest Records & Reports
  • Architecture Plans & Blueprints
  • Patient Records & X-Rays
  • Tax & Financial Records
  • Import/Export Records

Secure Shredding

  • Client Data & Records
  • Hard Drives, SSD Drives, DVDs, Tape Drives, etc
  • Tax & Financial Records
  • Legal Files & Casework
  • Arrest Records & Reports
  • Import/Export Records
  • Architecture Plans & Blueprints
  • Patient Records & X-Rays

Image of document scanning set up.

Scanning Services

  • We can scan any paper documents.
  • We can deliver your digital assets to you via Hard Drive, SSD, USB Drive, DVD, FTP, or cloud storage

Image of backup tapes.

Special Services

  • Storage of HHDs, SSDs, DVDs, USB Drives, Tape Backups, etc
  • Storage in fireproof safes.